So we are all wealthy Humen!咱們可都是有錢人哪...............
As we are getting older, we are getting wealthier!
當 咱 們 年 紀 越 來 越 老 的 時 候,也 會 變 得 越 來 越 有 錢................................
Silver in the Hair
頭髮裡有銀子 (銀髮蒼蒼)
Gold in the Teeth
牙齒裡有金子 (假牙裡鑲著金子)
Stones in the Kidneys
腰子裡有鑽石 (結石啦........)
Sugar in the Blood
血液裡流著糖 (喂,很多國家糖價可是貴得不得了........)
Lead in the Feet
腳裡面流著鉛/鋁/汞 (食物污染哪...........)
Iron in the Arteries
到處有鋼釘/支架/人工關節,大動脈裡跑著的是鐵... (開鐵...礦....?)
And an inexhaustible supply of Natural Gas
肚子裡有著用不完的天然瓦斯................( make 屁 啦......)
We never thought we'd accumulate so much wealth!
咱們從來就沒想到過咱們的身體裡面會囤積這麼多的.........財 富!